Don’t act so confused, you all know why. And no, it’s not because I’m suffering from severe winter paleness. It’s because I ghosted all of your asses on Substack and went on my merry way.
Merry might be the wrong word for it… more like my exhausted way? No need to explain that one either. If you’re here, you get it.
So what is up, my girls? I missed writing these newsletters. I have this problem where I start something really exciting, and then I overcommit, and then it’s not growing at 1 million new readers per second, so I’m like, ehhh, I’ll go make a quick buck somewhere else. And thennnn, a few months later, I’ll see someone who started at the same time as me (but stayed consistent), and they’re totally crushing it, and I’m like, UGH. Why did I stop?! And then it feels too late, and I totally give up. Any therapists here? Feel free to let me know why I do that.
Anyway, the first step to not doing that is to not do it. So after a few months of being like, “Substack wHo?!”I’m back!
Back to not being friendly. Did you know I’m not friendly? Lol, I’m only kind of kidding. I had no intentions of writing about this, but then I wrote the subtitle, and it made me laugh. I was like, The people reading this who haven’t met me don’t know that I am being serious. But I am. My two best friends both joke with me that I am not a ball of light and warmth when you first meet me. One of them calls me a cat… and I feel like that really explains everything.
Will I talk to you? Of course! Will I be kind? Absolutely! But you know those people who just exude warmth and welcome when you meet them? Chatting it up at the checkout. Greeting with hugs and delight. It ain’t me. But just giveeee me a chance. It’s not that I’m mean, I’m just introverted. And if you really want me to tell the truth, I actually don’t want to make new friends because I feel happy and fulfilled with the friends I have. BUT if a new friend makes me, then I am here for it. You know? And for what I lack in warmth, I make up for in severe and possibly unhealthy loyalty.
Basically, I could’ve saved myself all the trouble of typing that paragraph and just said: I’m a Virgo.
I also moved 12 times before graduating high school because I was the daughter of a Green Beret (aka my dad was/is a badass Special Forces dude, which required us to do a lot of relocating). Sometimes when we would move somewhere, we already knew when and where we’d be moving to next, and oftentimes, it was in less than a year. What’s the point of making friends when you’re in that situation? So anyway, I blame my cat-like attitude on that. But again, any therapists are welcome to chime in.
Speaking of moving… we’re expecting to find out where we’re headed next any day now! We will be leaving Colorado in the fall to live in Virginia for a few months, and then around Christmas, we’ll move to our new duty station. I have butterflies in my stomach as I write that because the options vary greatly, and I’m really hoping we get to go to one of our top choices. But the reality of the Army is we could also end up in podunk Louisiana, or the desert of California… and let me tell you, the reviews aren’t glowing.
We did get to list our preferences, and we put the same ones every other person in the Army puts: Europe, Seattle, Hawaii, Colorado. We have no idea what the odds are that we’ll get something in our top five, but here’s to hoping. And don’t worry, I’ll be sharing here first. ;)
Okay, in an effort to just get back on the Substack grind without overthinking it, I’m gonna stop here and press send. But expect to see more of me in your inbox. Because as Weezy once said, “They can’t stop me, even if they stopped me.”
Whatever that means.
Love y’all!
If you get stationed in Seattle can you live in Tacoma and be my friend because I feel like we're the same person?? (Even though we both don't actually want to make new friends so this probably wouldn't work out anyway)
OMG! Where in VA!?